Truth In Lending Act Claims

The Truth in Lending Act gives homeowners in Florida the right to cancel an illegal loan for up to three years after the loan was closed. The primary trigger for Truth in Lending Act claims centers around the initial disclosures that the lender provided to the borrower before the loan was closed. Loans which violate the Truth in Lending Act do not provide proper disclosures when the loan was released. The Truth in Lending Act is designed to promote informed consumer credit by requiring full disclosure of the terms of mortgage.
Despite this federal law, the concepts of transparency are oftentimes disregarded by lenders causing borrowers to fall victim to predatory lending. Sadly, consumers continue to sign documents they do not fully understand even with all the measures of protection offered by the law at present.
Fighting for Your Rights Under the Truth in Lending Act
ESQ.title is a South Florida law firm that has successfully represented individuals, as well as private and public companies. Its business and real estate lawyers have been working with clients from the Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach areas in the fields of consumer protection, business and real estate law for over the last decade.
As foreclosures in the state of Florida continue to force citizens to lose their property, the firm puts focus on an area of practice that ensures that the Truth in Lending Act is upheld. ESQ.title’s aim is to ensure that its clients enter into legal and mutually beneficial contracts.
ESQ.title has a successful track record in dealing with predatory lending tactics such as: charging prepayment penalties for longer than three years, increased interest for loans in default, balloon payments on loans that mature in less than ten years, extending credit with disregard of client’s ability to pay, making a loan past due even if payments are current, charging of late fees that exceed five percent of the payment, refinancing the loan within eighteen months unless it is of benefit to the borrower, and other tactics that are unfair to the borrower.
By identifying violations to the Truth In Lending Act, ESQ.title can help prevent foreclosures and further its clients interests in win win situations such as short-sales or loan modifications. The law firm’s aggressive representation has come to be well known throughout the South Florida legal industry as its lawyers’ accomplishments are regularly recognized by their peers.
Choose The Right Consumer Lawyer Today
Choosing the right representation is one of the most strategic decisions in protecting one’s rights and properties. The earlier the intervention of legal counsel, the better protected a client can be against risks to security.
Contact ESQ.title today and obtain a personalized evaluation from a real estate attorney knowledgeable in mortgage and foreclosure law. The firm’s team helps clients see the status of their financial standing, including assets, and how these relate to their mortgage and other debts.
Many clients will attest that ESQ.title has helped them find a solution to their legal situation. You too can benefit much from the law firm’s expertise. The first consultation is free and with no obliga